Print this coupon to use as credit toward the final invoice of any project. (right click with your mouse on the coupon and then choose "print target" from the pop up menu that appears)
Charges & Payment:
Most work is done for a set quote or bid which is agreed to and signed by both of us after a detailed review and discussion of the work needing to be done and a detailed line item work order is written up to clearly show the exact work that will be done for the quoted cost to do it. Work can also be done on a time and materials basis, if requested/required by you.
Labor cost can vary due to seasonal, economic, work load, location and other influences.
The only way to know what labor costs will be for your particular project at this particular time is to request a visit to view and discuss the project you wish to have done, then find a cost that is mutually acceptable and feasible.
Large amounts of material (over $100) will require pre-payment of the material cost before material will be purchased and work begins.
For small projects, payment is collected on a daily basis for the work done and materials used that day. For larger projects, payment can be collected on a weekly basis for the work done and materials used during the week.
If payment is not received for work and material at the proper time, I must assume that you are displeased with the work and will ask what I need to do to meet your expectations. If for some reason I cannot satisfy your wishes, you will have received “free” work for that day and I will cease work on all in-process or new projects. If payment is sent at a later time, I may continue the work, if you wish, but not until I am finished with my current customers' project.
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